About us
The Vermillion Basin Water Development District (VBWDD) is a political subdivision of the State. Water development districts promote conservation, development, and proper management of district water resources according to district priorities. They provide technical, organizational, and financial assistance to prospective and existing projects. While sharing many common efforts, each water development district has developed programs and expertise designed to address those issues most important to their area.
Water management is defined in the broadest sense to include detailed delineation of surface and ground water resources, water conservation, flood control, water level control, reduction of water based erosion, evaluation and protection of water quality, enhancement of water based recreational opportunities and putting water to beneficial use for domestic, municipal, industrial, irrigation, and recreational purposes.
District assistance shall mean both technical and financial assistance. The primary goal in providing technical assistance will be to provide effective project assistance by capitalizing on (1) the unique position of the District as a regional water resource agency and (2) the strong technical capability and experience of the District staff. The primary goal in providing fincancial assistance will be (1) to provide grants at the most critical time when a relatively small amount of assistance will allow a District-supported project to move forward, (2) to provide maximum leverage of District funds, and (3) to finance important water studies for which other sources of funds are not readily available.